Source code for cquery.lib

"""cQuery - Content Object Model traversal.

  CONTAINER (str): Metadata storage prefix
    Metadata associated with directories are prefixed
    with a so-called "container". In Open Metadata land, this means an
    additional directory by the name of `~openmetadata.Path.CONTAINER`

  UP (flag): Search direction
    A flag for :func:`cquery.matches` specifying that the content
    traversal should proceed up from the `root` directory. Use this to
    retrieve a hierarchy of matches.

  DOWN (flag): Search direction
    The opposite of the above UP. Use this to retrieve
    multiple matches within a given hierarchy, located under `root`


import os
import errno

__all__ = [

# As per the Open Metadata RFC
CONTAINER = ".meta"

# Directions
NONE = 1 << 0
UP = 1 << 1
DOWN = 1 << 2

class TagExists(OSError):
    """Raised when a selector either exists or does not exist"""

class RootExists(OSError):
    """Raised when a root either exists or does not exist"""

def has_class(root, selector):
    """Test absolute path `root` for class `selector`

        True if `root` has been tagged with class `selector` else False


    return True if first_match(root, selector) is not None else False

def has_id(root, selector):
    """Test absolute path `root` for id `selector`

        True if `root` has been tagged with id `selector` else False


    return True if first_match(root, selector) is not None else False

def tag(root, selector):
    """Tag absolute path `root` with selector `selector`

    This function physically tags a directory with metadata
    relevant for queries.

        root (str): Absolute path at which to write
        selector (str): CSS3-compliant selector

        status (bool): True if success

        TagExists: If selector `selector` already exists.
        RootExists: If root does not exist

        >>> import tempfile
        >>> root = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        >>> tag(root, ".User")
        >>> detag(root, ".User")


    selector = convert(selector)

    if not os.path.exists(root):
        raise RootExists("{} did not exist".format(root))

    container = os.path.join(root, CONTAINER)
    if not os.path.exists(container):

    path = os.path.join(container, selector)

    # Use as opposed to
    # due to support for low-level flags. This only
    # creates a new file if no file already exists.
        f =, os.O_CREAT | os.O_EXCL)
    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno == errno.EEXIST:
            raise TagExists("%s already exists." % selector)

    return True

def detag(root, selector):
    """Detag selector `selector` from absolute path `root`

    This function is the inverse of :func:`tag` and in effect
    removes a tag from the given directory.

        Selector must exists within root

        status (bool): True if successful, False otherwise

        TagExist: If selector `selector` at absolute path `root`
            does not exists.

        >>> import tempfile
        >>> root = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        >>> tag(root, ".User")
        >>> detag(root, ".User")


    if not os.path.exists(root):
        raise RootExists("Root did not exist")

    selector = convert(selector)

    container = os.path.join(root, CONTAINER)
    path = os.path.join(container, selector)

    except OSError as e:
        if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
            raise TagExists("%s does not exist." % selector)

    return True

[docs]def convert(selector): """Convert CSS3 selector `selector` into compatible file-path Arguments: selector (str): CSS3 selector, e.g. .Asset Returns: str: Resolved selector Example: .. code-block:: bash $ .Asset --> Asset.class $ #MyId --> """ # By Class if selector.startswith("."): selector = selector[1:] + '.class' # By ID elif selector.startswith("#"): selector = selector[1:] + '.id' # By Name else: pass return selector
def qualify(selector): """Return fully-qualified selector from `selector` This function converts `selector` into an a searchable relative path for :func:`matches` Arguments: selector (str): CSS3-compliant selector Returns: path (str): Relative path to selector within a root directory Example: >>> import os >>> path = qualify('.Asset') >>> if == 'nt': ... assert path == ".meta\\Asset.class" ... else: ... assert path == ".meta/Asset.class" """ return os.path.join(CONTAINER, convert(selector))
[docs]def matches(root, selector, direction=DOWN, depth=-1): """Yield matches at absolute path `root` for selector `selector` given the direction `direction`. When looking for a first match only, use :func:`first_match` Arguments: root (str): Absolute path from which where to start looking selector (str): CSS3-compliant selector, e.g. ".Asset" direction (enum, optional): Search either up or down a hierarchy depth (int): Depth of traversal; a value of -1 means infinite Yields: path (str): Absolute path of next match. Attributes: errors: Collection of errors occured during os.walk (NotImplemented) Raises: OSError: ENOTDIR is raised if path `root` is not a directory Example: >>> import os >>> paths = list() >>> for match in matches(os.getcwd(), ".Asset"): ... paths.append(match) """ assert isinstance(direction, int) if os.path.exists(root) and not os.path.isdir(root): raise OSError(errno.ENOTDIR, "{} is not a directory".format(root)) errors = list() selector = qualify(selector) def error_collector(exception): errors.append(exception) if direction & DOWN: for base, dirs, _ in os.walk(root, topdown=True, onerror=error_collector): if os.path.basename(base).startswith("."): continue if depth >= 0: head = base[len(root)+len(os.path.sep) - 1:] level = head.count(os.path.sep) if level >= depth: dirs[:] = [] # Don't recurse any deeper path = os.path.join(base, selector) if os.path.isfile(path): yield base elif direction & UP: level = 0 while True: path = os.path.join(root, selector) if os.path.isfile(path): yield root old_root = root root = os.path.dirname(root) if depth >= 0: level += 1 if level >= depth: break if root == old_root: # Top-level reached break elif direction & NONE: path = os.path.join(root, selector) if os.path.isfile(path): yield root else: raise ValueError("Direction not recognised: %s" % direction)
[docs]def first_match(root, selector, direction=DOWN, depth=-1): """Convenience function for returning a first match from :func:`matches`. Arguments: root (str): Absolute path from which where to start loo selector (str): CSS-style selector, e.g. .Asset direction (enum): Search either up or down a hierarchy Returns: path (str): Absolute path if successful, None otherwise. Example: >>> import os >>> path = first_match(os.getcwd(), ".Asset") """ try: return next(matches(root=root, selector=selector, direction=direction, depth=depth)) except StopIteration: return None
if __name__ == '__main__': import doctest doctest.testmod()